Living in Loudoun

Thoughts,ideas and helpful info about living in Loudoun County - good and bad points etc

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Growth Related Controversy in Loudoun

Just in case you missed this one in the Washington Post a few months ago, there is a proposal to build a university campus of 100+ acres in Loudoun. Along with it comes a request to build 15,000 homes.

With 15,000 homes comes the traffic and kids and therefore requires more roads and schools and according to the article, 10 more schools. Tell you what Greenvest (the developer), you pay for the schools and roads first and on completion of all required roads and schools, then you can start building OK?

Everytime it comes to new houses, they go up faster than lightning. When it comes to schools and roads, it takes at least a few local elections. So why don't we shortcut the whole process by having the developer donate all the money and labor necessary to build the infrastructure first to completion before starting on the houses. That's one way to get everything built quickly and efficiently.

Of course, such a college campus here would be nice for all those that have kids that are going to be going to college around 2009 or 2010 - should save quite a few bucks having the kids staying at home instead of eating junk food and chugging beers all the time. College is expensive enough as it is - or will be.

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Christmas Lights

Just a sample of some of the decorations in my neck of the woods in Sterling, VA.

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Christmas Tree Recycling

Ok folks, I know Christmas isn't here yet but I thought you might like to know where to recycle your Christmas tree.... The county government has a page here for your convenience. Plan ahead and get rid of it in a useful way folks.

Sunday, December 18, 2005

Traffic Challenges

This is why I tend to stay in Northern VA and try not to go much further. Rules of the road in Washington, D.C.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

The Storm Cometh - Are You Ready to Survive?

OK, so Virginia is ready with salt trucks and whatnot. The question is, are you? Some of the things you might want to remember to do:

Gas Tanks full?
Bread and Milk?
Winter snow/ice footware?
Got your ice scraper - still not too late you know.
Car battery OK? IF you want to change, go get an Interstate battery. Also, if you want a good mechanic, go to Harding Automotive (703-437-5522) in Sterling if you live in or near Sterling.

Most important of all....

SLOW DOWN WHEN DRIVING!!! Here's advice.

OK, I drive an SUV and so do lots of people but I will repeat the following:

A 4 wheel drive option on your SUV ONLY means that it gives you more traction to get going.
Four wheel drive does not mean you will stop better than 2 wheel drive. In fact, most SUVs outweigh cars and so will take more distance to stop on snow and ice.
Anti-lock breaks does not mean you will stop shorter than a vehicle without ABS. It just means that you will probably stop shorter with it than without it.

Friday, December 09, 2005

Employment in Loudoun

Just a quick link to the Washington Post article that talks about the unemployment rate here in this county. Good news I always enjoy sharing.
Loudoun has maintained low unemployment rates this year "despite rapid population growth that continuously increases Loudoun's labor force," the county's economic development department said in its fourth-quarter economic review.

Here's another short one that calls it a worker shortage.

Housing Bubble in Loudoun?

If you were part of the feeding frenzy that was the Spring and Summer of 2005 then I do not envy you. If you bought a house here in Loudoun county, welcome and I hope you enjoy the area.

Here's a link to a blog that talks about the housing bubble in this county. For those that are yet to move into Loudoun, it is well worth a read so that you take full advantage of the market conditions.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Medical History - SARS virus

Some of you may remember the SAR epidemic in Asia back in 2003. The first case of SARS entering the United States was right here in this county. Due to an alert staff at a Loudoun hospital, a potential outbreak was contained. Who knows how many may have died if the medical professionals had not caught it?

Here's a PBS report of that story.

Count me a grateful member of the public for the great judgement of those at Loudoun hospital.

Sunday, December 04, 2005

So How is the Crime Rate Here?

Well, results speak for themselves.

Really, although I may have issues with amount of tax dollars spent on public education through the 12th grade, I have far less issues with those spent on law enforcement. Sheriff Simpson is not without his critics and controversy but overall I think that the department is doing a good job.

So, if you're thinking of moving in here with kids - statistically speaking, they'll be pretty safe. You still have to do your part though.

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Thinking of buying real estate in Loudoun county?

I'll say one thing about real estate agents that sell properties in Loudoun county - they have been making boatloads of money this past year. Of course, now that things have slowed down quite a bit, prices have stabilized and may in fact creep down a little. In the meantime, the agents were selling properties out the yahzoo albeit not without some negotiations on lowering the usual 6% rate. Now that things have slowed down, make sure as a seller that you do squeeze them a bit because things are not tougher for them. Actually, there may be just too many of them for a market with this low an activity so expect a few of them to leave the industry.

One of the most important aspects of buying a home in Loudoun county when you talk with the real estate agent is that of broadband internet access. There are basically two or three options at the most:
  1. Verizon
  2. Cable
  3. Wireless
If you have a choice, get a place that has both cable and verizon service so that the the monthly rates are lower due to competition and if service is poor (and there have been complaints from both Verizon and cable customers) you at least have an option to switch.

As for Verizon, depending on location, they have DSL and FTTH/FIOS. For an FTTH, check this and Verizon's press release out. Also there is Verizon FIOS - another fiber alternative if I understand it.

So, the preferences should be:
  1. Verizon AND cable internet both available
  2. Either Verizon OR cable
  3. Wireless
  4. Do NOT buy a house with no broadband access. You will regret it.
Also, do NOT believe anyone (especially real estate agents) that claim that broadband is "on the way" or "within six months". Verizon and Comcast/Adelphia are very very slow in getting things installed. It took 2 years before DSL appeared at places like Lowe's Island (not a real island) which was a fully developed suburban area.