Tuesday, March 14, 2006
Thinking of buying from Circuit City?
Want an honest retailer for electronics? Perhaps Circuit City isn't one of them.
Housing Market Levelling Off
Here's some news that the housing market is cooling off. Even then, I really hate to see my next property tax bill.
If you're thinking of buying, now seems to be a much more reasonable time than a year ago. You'll have more to choose from and not have to hurry. It is still winter so things are slower. If I could though, I'd consider moving to Clarke County but that is another story.
Get ready for a huge tax bill
If any of you have read any of the local newspapers of Loudoun county, you know that the next property tax bill is going to be huge. The one number I keep remembering is that if we lower the tax rate to $0.91 from the current $1.05 that our tax bill is STILL going to go up by 25% due to the huge assesments increase.
Now is the time to let your Board of Supervisors know that you can't afford this kind of tax bill. Can you imagine what it will be if it REMAINS at $1.05?
Elections Finally Over
Tuesday was the day for special elections for the 33rd District in Virginia which includes a good chunk of Loudoun, parts of western Fairfax and Leesburg. The end result was Democrat candidate Herring won by a large margin. For reasons that go beyond this blog, the Republicans were not successful. You can go to Too Conservative for more opinions on what went wrong for the Republicans.
The signs are starting to disappear so our sidewalks and medians should look more normal shortly. I suspect that the bumper stickers will stay around for a while.